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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-176

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176 FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE BOTANY AND PLANT BIOLOGY Head of the Department Professor Reqinalb Ruqgles Gates Ph General Sc Courses Yj -Intermediate Science Lectures Tu and 2-3 The instruction is based on the Schedule for the Intermediate Sc Examinations of the University of London but in addition to the special study of the prescribed types consideration is given to the general principles of Plant Morphology Physiology Classification Heredity Cytology Evolution Ecology and Natural History of Plants Ī„ -Practical Class Tu 3-6 throughout the Session 10-1 Michaelmas Term -B Sc Two-Year Course Lectures 12-1 10-11 10-11 The subjects treated are as follows -Morphology and Phylogeny of all the Plant Groups practical applications of Botany Palaeophy- tology Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Classification and Ecology of Plants -Practical Class 2-6 and Th 10-1 or 3-6 Special Sc Courses -A Class is held three times week throughout the year Tu and 10-1 It includes Lectures and Laboratory work on the above subjects and in the Summer Term on Practical Plant Physiology and the Natural Orders of Plants -Field Class in Botany Arranged as Course of practical work on British Vegetation Meets on Saturdays during the Summer and Autumn Terms -Special Inter-Collegiate Courses Prof Gates Genetics for Students in Botany and Zoology Summer Term Six lectures dealing more particularly with breeding work and cytology in alternate years the former being emphasized in 1928 Dr Schwartz and Dr Cook Morphology Cytology and Classification of the Primitive Fungi Michaelmas Term Eight lectures and Demonstrations 4-6 Botanical Laboratories Research The Laboratories are open daily from 10-6 during Term Specia facilities are provided for research in Cytology and Genetics Arrange ments are made with the Royal Botanic Society Regents Park for growing plants for genetical experiments Other lines of research in Botany are also taken up In recent years number of investigators from other countries have carried on their work under direction in these Laboratories
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