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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1927-1928-160

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faculty of laws 159 ZA15 Professor Morgan Constitutional Laws of the British Empire st and 2nd Terms Tu 45 beginning October 4th University College Seminar Class 6-7 30 beginning October 5th ZAle Professor de Montmorency Comparative Jurisprudence Time to be arranged University College ZAj Mr Gahan Roman Law Seminar Course on the Digest Whole of Book XIX 2nd Term Tu 30 and Th at beginning January 10th The Course will be held on Tuesdays at University College and on Thursdays at King's College ZA18 -Day Course Mr Jenkins Conflict of Laws lst and 2nd Terms Th 30-4 beginning October 6th School of Economics ZA18 -Evening Course Dr Hibbert Conflict of Laws Private International Law lst and 2nd Terms Th 45-7 beginning October 6th King's College See note on 155 Dr Hibbert recommends Students to read Dicey on Conflict of Laws latest edition ZA18 Dr Lauterpacht Public International Law Cases discussion class 3rd Term Time to be arranged School of Economics The LL Final Examination includes paper on the writing of essays Arrangements will be made in consultation with the Dean and Vice-Dean for instruction therein for 2nd and 3rd Year Students COMPARATIVE LAW ΖA20 Professor de Montmorency Course of Fourteen Lectures on Comparative Customary Law in the British Empire lst and 2nd Terms Th 15 beginning November 3rd University College This Course is open to the PubUc without fee or ticket wu 9J 8S Of At bat mi oaJ 81 Si mid Uiaratu ll -SPECIAL COURSES CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ZA21 Professor Morgan Constitutional Law 6-7 30 beginning October 5th University College CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY Professor Neale Constitutional History Tu Th 12-1 beginning October 4th University College Session 1928-29 A18 -History of Political Ideas 12-1 A23 -Later Constitutional Documents Th 2-3 Professor Hearnshaw History of Pohtical Ideas beginning October 7th King's College
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