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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-84

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80 KING'S COLLEGE LONDON The affiliated athletic clubs are the Cricket Club the Association and Rugby Football Clubs Men's and Women's Hockey Clubs Men's and Women's Tennis Clubs Boat Clubs Athletic Club Gymnastic and Boxing Club Gymnastic Club Women Net Ball Club Women and Men's and Women's Swimming Clubs Badminton Club Golfing Society and Rifle Club Provision is made for athletics at the College Ground at Mitcham where the Annual Sports organized by the Athletic Club are held each year In addition to two Cricket Pitches the Ground contains two Association Football Fields two Rugby Football Fields two Hockey Fields Net Ball Practice Pitch and twenty Tennis Courts The Headquarters of the Men's Swimming Club is at the Fitzroy Baths Tottenham Court Road and the Women usually make use of the St Bride's Baths Ludgate Circus The several athletic clubs are governed by captains and officers elected by their respective members such elections being subject to the approval of the Union Society The finances of all affiliated societies are under the control of the Executive Committee of the Union Society which with the assistance of its Finance Sub-Committee determines the amount of the grant to be made to each club from its funds Arrangements are made from time to time by the Executive Committee for the conduct of debates and functions of social character with view to promoting the corporate life of the College and Faculty Cups are competed for annually in the various sports Commemoration Week is held each year at the close of the Christmas Term The week opens with the Commemoration Oration Commemoration Service is held in the College Chapel and various social functions take place including an Old Students' Reunion organized by the Old Students' Association performances by the Dramatic Society and the Musical Society College Dance College Dinner and the week closes with Students' Supper in the Refectory An official handbook in which the rules and constitution of the Society are set out is published annually at the beginning of October and copies may be obtained by all members on application to the Honorary Secretary WAR MEMORIAL The new Athletic Ground at Mitcham which was purchased by the War Memorial Committee as part of the College War Memorial was brought into use at the beginning of 1921 Three large huts have been erected on the Ground as temporary Pavilion Accommodation and it is hoped that before long sufficient funds will be collected to enable permanent Pavilion to be built
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