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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-81

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PRIZES 77 The Prize is open to all regular Medical students at King's College of three years' standing in their Second year of studying Phy- siology Its value is three guineas in books or money The Prize will be awarded to the candidate who acquits himself best at the Examination in Physiology held during his third winter session provided such candidate in the opinion of the examiner the Professor of Physiology at King's College shows sufficient merit In making the award there shall also be taken into account the marks obtained by the candidates at the practical examination in Histology held in the previous summer session as well as the general character of the work carried out in practical and other classes in Physiology Prizeman For the names of those elected previously to 192G see former Calendars 1926 Hobbs Louisa Sbeppard Snebles pri3e in pbarmacol0G£ This Prize was founded in 1925 by Dr Orlando Inchley Head of the Department of Pharmacology The Prize is open to all regular Medical Students at King's College who within two years of passing the First Examination for Medical Degrees or the pre-Medical Examination of the Conjoint Board have completed the CoUege Course in Pharmacology The Prize is of the value of £5 in books or instruments and is awarded annuaUy to the candidate who acquits himself best at the College Examination in Pharmacology held at the end of the Easter Term provided such candidate in the opinion of the Examiner the Head of the Department of Pharmacology at King's College shows sufficient merit Prizeman 1926 Haler David Henry VI -FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Siemens 01b l&e&al anb pri3e This Medal and Prize was founded by the late Sir Charles William Siemens with the object of stimulating the Students of King's College London to high standard of proficiency in Metallurgical Science
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