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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-79

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PRIZES 75 annual value of Ā£2 10s in books or instruments and will be awarded to the Student of the First Year who acquits himself best at the Class Examination in Zoology if of sufficient merit The Leathes Prizes were founded by the late Philip Hammersley Leathes Esq of Union Row Peckham Surrey in 1834 to be awarded to two Medical Students for their proficiency during the past Academic year in Religious Knowledge and likewise for their general Good Conduct These Prizes are administered by the Council and the regulations at present in force are the following The Prize is open to all regular Medical Students whether at King's College or King's College Hospital who fulfil the necessary conditions Every Candidate must produce certificates of good conduct of regular attendance at Divinity Lectures while Student of King's College and of passing the necessary examinations The Examination for the Prize will consist of two papers one general paper on the Apostles' Creed illustrated by the New Testa- ment the other paper on some special book of the Old Testament The Examination will be held at the beginning of the Michaelmas The next Examination will be held on October 11th 1926 The names of all Candidates must be sent in writing to the Secretary by October 3rd For 1926 the special book selected for the Old Testament portion of the Examination will be the Book of Isaiah chap -xxxix to be studied in Skinner's Isaiah Cambridge Bible for Schools Prizeman For the names of those elected previously to 1925 see former Calendars 1925 Willway Francis Wilfred -FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Xeatbes fl ri3es Term Marneforb pri3es These Prizes were founded by the Rev Dr Warneford for the encouragement of the study of Theology among the Regular Medical Students of King's College
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