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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-77

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PRIZES Cbe 30bn IBarsball pri3e This Prize was founded in 1926 by Miss Ada Blanch Marshall in memory of her brother the late John Marshall Trinity College Cambridge The Prize is of the value of £28 10s The John Marshall Prize shall for the time being be awarded in every other year to the Student who is recommended to the Principal by the Faculty of Arts after receiving report from the Director of the School of Slavonic Studies as most proficient in any of the languages taught in that School But at such time as the Principal after con- sulfation with the Professors of the School of Slavonic Studies shall consider that the number of Students of the Russian language is such that the Prize may properly be devoted to the encouragement of the Eussian language only the Prize shall be awarded in the manner afore- said to the Student who is most proficient in the Russian language lEarls JEnglisb Cest Societg ff ri3e The Early English Text Society gives annually Prize of Books for the best work in Early English subjects in the Department of English Prizemen For the names of those elected previously to 1925 see former Calendars 1925 Wheeler Harold James 1926 Rising Thomas Oraske Townsend Edith IV -FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE Α -Prizes in Natural Science open to all Regular Students op the College rew Θ01ϊ ZlDebal in iDatbematics See under Arts 1' Carter Bolb IDei al an& prl3e for Botany This Prize was founded by the late George Redsull Carter Esquire for the purpose of encouraging the study of Botany It is open to Students of all Faculties of the College who have not exceeded three Academical Years from the beginning of their attendance 02
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