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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-74

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70 PRIZES Stepben pri3e for Engltsb Essap Sir George Stephen presented to the College sum of Fifty Guineas which is invested in the Public Funds The annual interest is given in Books for the best English Essay on such subjects as shall be fixed by the Principal This Prize which is now of the value of Ā£3 3s is open to all Regular Students of the College not being Associates who have completed one Term and not exceeded nine Terms The Essay which must be type-written should be distinguished by some motto the Candidate at the same time sending his name and motto to the Secretary under sealed cover Subject for 1927 The Letters of Keats It should reach the Secretary by May 26th 1927 Prizeman For names of those elected previously to 192G see former Calendars 1926 Brown Elaine Robertson Drew 60lb fl&ebal for toatbematics This prize was founded by the Professor of Mathematics in memory of his eldest son Robert Middlemist Drew Mathematical Scholar elect of St John's College Oxford who died before he had completed his 17th year on Commemoration day at King's College 1870 The Medal is the Highest Mathematical award of the College and is open to all Regular Students who have attended at least two years at the College It is awarded to the student who in the opinion of the Principal and the Professor of Mathematics shall have most distinguished himself in the subject of Mathematics The Medal will not be awarded unless high degree of proficiency is attained Medallist For names of those elected previously to 1925 see former Calendars 192S Rirett Frank Andrew James
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