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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-73

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PRIZES 69 with Ecclesiastical History Candidates must send their names to the Secretary of the College before October 31st The Prize is open to all who are Regular Students of the Faculty of Theology at the time of the examination No Student can obtain the Prize second time Subject fob 1926 "Justin Martyr Subject fob 1927 Reginald Pecock Represser Rolls Series Prizeman For names of those elected previously to 1924 see former Calendars 1924 Wirasinha James Peter Rev IRelton Ipri3e Prize of £5 in books was given by Professor Η Relton in 1926 for the student most distinguished during that year in the subject of Biblical and Historical Theology Prizeman 1926 Box Herbert Stanley III -FACULTY OF ARTS -Prizes in Arts open to all Regular Students of the College Carter pri3e for Englisb IDerse This Prize was founded by the late George Redsull Carter Esq and consists of Gold Medal and Books valued together at £15 The Prize is awarded for English Original Verse and is open to all Regular Students of the College who have completed one Term and not exceeded nine Terms The Exercise must not fall short of 150 nor exceed 200 lines and must be type-written It should be distinguished by some motto the Candidate at the same time sending his name and motto to the Secretary under sealed cover Subject for 1927 St Francis of Assisi It should reach the Secretary by May 26th 1927 Prizeman For names of those elected previously to 1926 see former Calendar 1926 Moore Roy
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