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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-71

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phizes Θ7 Academical year provided that the Candidate has reached high standard of merit No student can obtain the Prize twice Junior Prize This Prize is open for competition to any Student of the first year It will be awarded annually in the Easter Term to the Student who has obtained the highest marks in the Latin Intermediate Arts and Theology Examination No Student can obtain the Junior Prize twice but Junior Prizeman may compete in subsequent year if still in the Faculty for the Senior Prize The text-books set for 1927 are Horace Odes III and IV Sallust Catiline Prizemen For names of those elected previously to 1924 see former Calendars SENIOR JUNIOR Waynforth Cyril Ernest 1924 Bassett Herbert Alan No award 1925 No award Elcock George William 1926 No award plumptre lpri3e foe lEnglisb Xanguage an& Xiterature The Friends and former Pupils of the Very Rev Edward Hayes Plumptre Dean of Wells formerly Professor of Pastoral Theology at King's College presented to the College the sum of £128 9s 5d for the purpose of founding Prize to bear his name The Prize is open to regular Students of the Theological Faculty who have been in attendance during any one of the three preceding terms No one can obtain this Prize twice The Prize will be awarded on the result of an Examination and an Essay to be submitted by the Candidates Half the total marks will be assigned to the Essay Names of Candidates and their Essays must be sent to the Secretary of the CoUege on the Saturday preceding the Examination The subject in 1926 will be Evelyn and Pepys as Diarists The subject in 1927 will be Chaucer's Canterbury Tales For the Examination in 1926 Candidates will be expected to show acquaintance with the Life and Work of Evelyn and Pepys in relation
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