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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-69

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PRIZES 60 Members of other Faculties than the Theological who enter for these Prizes must send their names to the College office at the beginning of the Term in which the examination is held The set subjects for the Junior Prize will be posted on the College Screens at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term next before the Examination Prizemen For names those elected previously to 1925 see former Calendars Senior Junior 1925 Stein Shapsel Nicodemus 1926 Enders George Beaconsfleld Rev Stratton James William Calbecott pbilosopbp ri3e Fund was raised in 1918 by the friends colleagues and pupils of the Rev Prebendary Alfred Caldecott on his retirement from the office of Dean to commemorate his great services to King's College during the last 26 years The Prize is for an English Essay on some subject falling within the scope of the Philosophy or of the Psychology of Religion The Prize shall be offered once in every three years It shall be open to all Graduates and Associates of the College who have studied in the College for not less than two academical years and are not of more than six years' standing since taking their Degree or Associateship in the College The College may assign subject for the Essay from time to time or it may invite qualified Graduates or Associates to submit subjects upon which they may desire to work provided that the Prize be not assigned more frequently than once in three years The Adjudicators on each occasion shall be three and shall be appointed by the Council from Professors or Lecturers in Philosophy of Religion or in the Departments of Philosophy and Psychology together with another person not member of the College Staff at the time of his appointment The Adjudicators may recommend that the successful Essay be printed as the Caldecott Prize Essay but the printing shall not be obligatory on the writer The Prize value about Ā£20 shall include at least one book fully bound and stamped with the College Arms and the Prizeman may if he so desire have books to the full value of the Prize so bound and stamped
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