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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-67

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PRIZES 63 Ρ II -FACULTY OF THEOLOGY -Prizes in Divinity open to all Regular Students op the College Barrg pri3es The Barry Prizes in Divinity were founded by the Friends and former Pupils of the late Right Rev Alfred Barry formerly Principal of King's College Prizes are now offered in the Faculties of Theology Arts Science Medicine and Engineering These Prizes are administered by the Council and the regulations at present in force are the following The Prize in the Faculty of Theology is open to all regular Students and is given to the Student who passes with most distinction in the Examination in the Prayer-book at the close of the Easter Term The Prizes in the Faculties of Arts Science Medicine and Engineer- ing are awarded to the regular Student in each Faculty who has ttended with regularity the general Theological Lectures open to all Students of the College and in the opinion of the Dean of King's College shall have passed the best examination irrespective of the year to which he belongs No Student can receive this Prize more than once except in the case of Student who has obtained it before joining the Department of Theology Such Student may afterwards obtain it in that Department The value of each prize is 35s Prizemen For names those elected previously to 1925 see former Calendars Faculty of Theology 1W5 Chamberlain Frank Noel 1926 Gibbons James Archibald Faculty of Arts 1925 Green Henry George 1926 Gower Percy Winston Faculty of Natural Science 1W5 Trowell Gordon Watson 1926 Lowe Maurice Fruln Faculty of Medical Science MM Χ0 award 1926 Willway Francis Willrcd Faculty of Engineering Ms No award 1926 Heard John Arthur Edward Special Prize for Women Students lttt Veaiey Hilda Mary Theodora 1926 Faux Gwendoline Winilred
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