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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-58

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54 SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS Appointments to the Studentship will be made by the Delegacy on the recommendation of the Principal after receiving reports from the Professors of Anatomy and Physiology Candidates must submit to the Secretary of the College not later than 1st September statement giving the plan of work they intend to pursue and showing details of the amount of time they are prepared to devote to the work They must also give the names of persons who can testify to their previous training and capability for Research The Students will carry out their researches under the direction of the Professor of Physiology and will be expected to commence their work at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term after their appointment The Students will usually be appointed for two years but the Delegacy will require reports on their progress from the Professor of Physiology at the end of each year and may if they consider it necessary decline to renew the Studentship Payment of the emoluments of the Studentship will be made in three equal instalments at the end of each term on receipt of satisfactory certificate of attendance and progress from the Professor of Physiology In any publication of results obtained during the tenure of the Studentship it shall be stated that the author is-or was-the Berridge Student of King's College Scholar 1925 Reeves Hairy Gordon Sc LO Stu&entsbip tit Beograpbg See under II -Faculty of Arts -FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Morales Scbolarsbips Founded in 1834 by Major-General Sir Henry Worsley for the education of Missionaries proceeding to British India These Scholarships are administered by the Council of King's College Candidates must be members of the Church of England The Scholarships are of the total monetary value of Ā£100 paid in annual instalments and are open to both men and women The Scholar also receives free education in the Theological Department of King's College or in University of London King's College and if medical student in King's College Hospital also and is admitted without fee to all Theological lectures in the College
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