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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-57

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SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS 53 1baroli IRow Stu&entsbip Founded in 1919 by Mrs Row in memory of her son Harold Row Sc formerly Student of the College and for 12 years member of the Staff of the Zoological Department To establish Research Studentship in Zoology of not less than £100 per annum in value to be given whenever the accumulated interest shall suffice for the purpose and suitable candidate shall be forthcoming the College in addition to remit to the Research Student all fees except the usual Registration Fee No Research Studentship shall be granted except to candidate recommended by the Professor of Zoology and approved by the Pro- fessorial Board of King's College The Research Studentship shall be tenable for two years renewable for third year on the production of evidence of satisfactory work provided funds are available The Research Student shall work in the Zoological Department of King's College under the direction of the Professor of Zoology or in such other Zoological Laboratory as the Professor may direct The Research Student shall hold no other appointment without the sanction of the Professor of Zoology and in no case shall he hold any appointment or appointments during Term time that will occupy him for more than ten hours week The Subject of Research must be approved by the Professor of Zoology of King's College In any publication of results obtained during the tenure of the Studentship it shall be stated that the author is or was Harold Row Research Student of King's College Scholar 1925 Shaw Marjorie Erskine Sc SSerri&ge Stubentsbips The Studentships were founded in 1925 on the occasion of the closing of the Bacteriology and Public Health Department and to commemorate the fact that this Department founded in 1898 by Professor Ε Crookshank was the first Academic Department of Public Health in this country The funds are partly provided from the Berridge Estate and Trust Endowment and partly from the Devignes Legacy the balance being met from general College funds One Studentship is offered annually for Research in Physiology as applied to Public Health The value of each Studentship is £100 year
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