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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-54

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50 SCHOLARSHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS The student will enter upon his Studentship at the beginning of the Session following the Examination in which he has taken his Honours Degree Payment for the Studentship is made in three equal instalments at the end of each Term on receipt of satisfactory certificate of attend- ance and progress from the Head of the Department Student 1925 Warren Lucy Mabel SerboCroat 5tut entsbip grant of £50 per annum is made by the Serbo-Croat Government for Post Graduate Studentship in Serbo-Croat Language and Literature The Studentship is awarded by the Delegacy on the nomination of the Director of the School of Slavonic Studies Student 1926 Maddocks Ernest George III -FACULTY OF LAWS In 1925 the Delegacy of the College instituted Scholarship in the Faculty of Laws open to day or evening students The Scholarship is of the value of £30 for day students and £20 for evening students It is offered yearly and is tenable for three years The subjects for examination are Latin English History French or German or Mathematics and an English essay The holder of the Scholarship must become an Internal student of the University of London registered at King's College and must attend those lectures in the Intercollegiate Course which are given at King's College on the subjects in which he intends to enter as candidate for the Internal Law Degree of the University of London Students who have been attending courses at the College for not more than three Terms are eligible to compete for the Scholarship Students who have been attending courses in other Faculties than that of Laws are however eligible in special cases There is no age limit The Examination will be conducted by the London Intercollegiate Scholarships Board on April 19th Candidates should apply to Mr Ranner Secretary to the Board King's College Hospital Medical School for form of entry which must be sent in by March 25th
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