Calendar: 1926-1927 Page 471
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ANNUAL REPORT VII Hostel The chief event in the history of the Hostel during the Session 1924- 25 was the acceptance by Prof Barry of the position of Assistant Warden Through his inspiration the discipline of the house has been strengthened and at the same time the spirit of comradeship and free co-operation has been enhanced Some alterations have also been made in the daily services The day now begins normally with period of meditation at 15 which all residents are expected to attend daily Celebration of Holy Communion has been instituted These changes have been welcomed by the students in residence and have worked very satisfactorily The Hostel unfortunately has not been full during the whole year though the number of vacant rooms never exceeded three or four and the position with regard to vacancies was better than seemed probable It is satisfactory to be able to add that the Session which is now opening has seen the Hostel full and that there is waiting list of men who desire to come into residence An interesting sidelight is thrown upon the varied ways in which the Hostel may be useful by the fact that during the academic year Professor of Theology from Methodist College in America has been in residence while pursuing post-graduate course at the College As usual Grand Night was held in November and was attended by so large number of former residents that it is becoming doubtful whether the practice of inviting all old Hostellers every year can be continued During Vacations the Hostel has been lent to the promoters of several conferences and schools of religious and educational character Among the organisations which have held gatherings during the past Session may be mentioned the Society of the Old Testament the Board of Studies for Missionaries and the Society of St Raphael In Septem- ber very successful Vacation School for the study of the Old Testa- ment was held at the Hostel under the auspices of the Society of the Old Testament the Church Tutorial Classes Association and King's College Theological Department Mr Heawood has been in residence this year and has assisted very greatly both in the administra- tion and the internal direction of the Hostel The domestic staff and particularly the Matron have worked loyally for the welfare of the House General The Rev Marsh Fellow of Selwyn College Cambridge and formerly Lecturer in the Theological Department acted as External Examiner on the nomination of the Central Advisory Council for the examination The Rev Hollis conducted the annual examination in Divinity at St Katherine's College Tottenham Site Question The proposal to move the College to site in Bloomsbury which has been engaging the anxious consideration of the Council for some
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