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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-457

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ANNUAL REPORT xlix Dendy Α Sc the late "What is meant by the Inheritance of Mental Characters In Concepts of Continuity Aristotelian Society Report of Symposium at Reading 1924 On an Orthogenetic Series of Growth Forms in certain Tetraxonid Sponge Spicules Proc Roy Soc Vol 97 1924 The Origin of Sponge Spicules Letter to Nature February 1925 Hentschel Sc Notes on Hoplitophrya Anoplophrya brasili Leger and Duboscq an Intestinal Ciliate of the Polychaete Worm Cirratulus Parasitology Vol XVII No 1925 Tribe Margaret Sc with Prof Hill The Early Development of the Cat Felis domestica Vol 68 1924 89 pp plates Wyeth Sc The Development and Neuromery of the Fore Brain in Sphenodon punctatus with special reference to the presence and neuromeric significance of certain metamerio diverticula of the central cavity of the fore brain Proc Zool Soc 1924 No 37 pp plates The Development and Neuromery of the Mid Brain and Hind Brain in Sphenodon punctatus "- Proc Zool Soc 1925 No 58 pp 21 text-figures DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Gordon Τ Sc The Swiney Lectures for 1925 The Geological History of Plants '' British Museum Wells Sc The Geology of the Dolgelly District North Wales Quarterly Journal Geol Soc Wooldridge Sc The Petrology of Sark Geol Mag 1925 Geology of Canterbury District Section on Tertiary Rocks Proc Geol Assoc 1925 With Bull Sc The Geo-morphology of the Mole Gap Proc Geol Assoc 1925 Wooldridge Sc with Gill Sc The Reading Beds of Lane End Bucks Proc Geol Assoc 1925 With Berdinner Sc On Sections showing the Transition from London Clay to Bagshot Sands at Rayleigh Essex Essex Naturalist 1925
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