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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-428

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ANNUAL REPORT dates passed in German as one of their subjects for the Pass degree of Department of Spanish Studies -The total number of students working in the Department during the session 1924-5 was 91 distri- buted under the following categories -Intermediate 14 Pass and Honours Post-graduate Elementary 10 Com 24 Certifi- cate 25 History Students Diploma of Journalism In the Examinations held in June 1925 13 out of 15 students passed the Intermediate Examination obtained the College Certificate and Pass degree In the Honours degree Examination the one candi- date was placed in the First Class Miss Mary Stephenson who left the College after taking First Class Honours degree in Spanish and who was awarded the Gilchrist Student- ship continued her studies in Madrid on The Origins of the Romantic Movement in Spain and did research work in the National Library at Madrid and the Centro de Estudios Historicos with view to the degree of Ph Mr Murray who took First Class Honours degree during the session has commenced research work on The Life and Works of the eighteenth-century Politician educational Reformer and Writer Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Miss Alice Walker is doing work on The Lineage of the Spanish Novel and Miss Spears is preparing thesis on The Times Life and Work of Alfonso of Castille Some valuable additions were made to the Departmental Library amongst them some rare editions presented by various donors The Head of the Department continued to act as adviser to the London County Council examined for one of the Fellowships at Trinity College Dublin and lectured to the Spanish Society at Cambridge The Spanish University Club with its headquarters at King's College continued to hold its meetings regularly Department of Italian -The Department continued the development of the courses in Italian Language and Literature for Journalism students They were attended by students one of whom took the diploma last July The lecturer also delivered during the term course on Critical Theories in Italy from De Sanctis to Benedetto Croce The courses given for the English Honours School on Spenser and Ariosto and on Chaucer and Boccaccio were attended by 13 students of the English school The number of occasional and evening students grew and several of them were working for the University or the College Diploma in Italian Some important additions were made to the Italian section of the Library The total number of students attending lectures or classes in Italian during the session amounted to 33 Department of Portuguese -The closing term of the academic year saw no falling off in the number of students or of interest in the work of the Department
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