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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-190

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FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 191 fails to pass such examinations or unduly postpones entering for them will be summoned to appear before the Medical Science Faculty who if the reasons for the delay and failure are in their opinion insufficient shall recommend that the attendance of the student at the College shall cease unless he succeeds in passing the Examination in question before the expiration of six months from that date If the Student after dismissal succeeds in passing the Examination it will be open to the Faculty to consider whether or not they may re-admit him to work for further Examinations and on what conditions DENTAL COURSES Courses of Study for the Degree in Dental Surgery of the University of London after Matriculation First Examination for Dental Degrees Held in July and December Inorganic Chemistry Biology Botany Experimental Physics Zoology Second Examination for Dental Degrees Held in July and December Anatomy Physiology Pharmacology Special Anatomy and Histology For the Courses of Study for the Third and Fourth Examinations see the Prospectus of King's College Hospital Dental School Courses of Study for the Licence in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons Candidates for the Licence in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England are required to pass an Examination in General Education and the Preliminary Examination in Science see β before commencing their Dental Studies Candidates who produce evidence of having been registered by the General Medical Council as Medical or Dental Students on or after January lst 1923 will be considered to have passed both these Examinations The Regulations require Candidate to have been engaged in pro- fessional study for period of four years before admission to the Second Part of the Second Professional Examination The First Professional Examination is held three times year in January or February April and September or October and is usually completed at the end of the second year of study
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