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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1926-1927-189

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190 FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE It is important that Candidates for the Examinations of the University of London should make themselves thoroughly ac- quainted with the Regulations of the University regarding Registration attendance at recognised Courses filling in of Schedules payment of Examination Fees and other matters These Regulations can be obtained at the College Ollice on application Students desiring to register as Internal Students of the University must complete their Schedules which can be obtained at the College Oilice at the time of entry to the College COURSES OF STUDY FOR THE EXAMINATIONS OF THE CONJOINT EXAMINING BOARD AND THE SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES By the regulations of the Conjoint Examining Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons an Examination recognised or conducted by the Board in Chemistry and Physics must be passed before Medical study can be commenced The following course of work is necessary to those who purpose spending the entire five years in Medical School and taking either the Licence of the Royal College of Physicians and Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons by Examinations at the Examining Board for England or the License of the Apothecaries1 Society Under the old regulations First Examination of the Examining Board in England Chemistry Physics Biology Second Examination of the Examining Board in England Anatomy Physiology and Pharmacology Under the new regulations First Professional Examination Section Anatomy including Histology and Embryology Physiology including Bio-Chemistry and Biology Section II Pharmacology Practical Pharmacy and Materia Medica For Courses of Study in the remaining years see Prospectuses of the Medical Schools of the Hospitals previously mentioned Students are expected to pass their first Examination Anatomy and Physiology within two years from the commencement of their studies in Anatomy and Physiology Any Student who repeatedly
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