Calendar: 1925-1926 Page 81
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PRIZES 75 In making the award there shall also be taken into account the marks obtained by the candidates at the practical examination in Histology held in the previous summer session as well as the general character of the work carried out in practical and other classes in Physiology Prizemen For the names of those elected previously to 1923 see former Calendars 1923 Fitzsimons Robert Allen 1925 No award 1924 Muende Isaac VI -FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Siemens' S01& IDefcal an& prise This Medal and Prize was founded by the late Sir Charles William Siemens with the object of stimulating the Students of King's College London to high standard of proficiency in Metallurgical Science The conditions of award were amended by the Delegacy in 1925 and in place of Medal and Prize two Prizes each of the value of £5 are awarded annually One is given to the best Mechanical Engineering Student and the other to the best Electrical Engineering Student as judged by the results of the Diploma Final Examinations provided that such students have been placed in the First or Second Class in the Examination following the course on the Chemistry of Metals and in the opinion of the Faculty of Engineering have sufficiently distinguished themselves Prizemen For names of former Prizemen see Calendar 1910-11 1925 No award Walter Smitb pri3e sum of money was subscribed in the year 1919 by the Staff and Members of the Governing Bodies of King's College for testimonial to Mr Walter Smith on his retirement from the office of Secretary of the College which he had held since 1895 This sum has been invested and the interest thereon is now available for the purpose of founding an annual Prize in Civil Engineering at King's College The Prize will consist of books or instruments to the value of £5 to be chosen by the Prize-winner
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