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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-52

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46 SCHOLARSHIPS EXHIBITIONS AND PRIZES RULES certificate of satisfactory attendances good conduct and proficiency is required before the payment of any emolument is made to Scholar or Exhibitioner Where the rales governing the award of any Studentship Scholar- ship or Exhibition require attendance at the College that attendance must usually be continuous otherwise the Studentship Scholarship or Exhibition is likely to be forfeited unless the holder has obtained leave of absence Scholarship or Exhibition or Prize will not be awarded if the Examiners report that there is no candidate sufficiently well qualified The winner of any Scholarship Exhibition or Prize is not eligible to compete again for the same Scholarship Exhibition or Prize except in cases where it is specially allowed fee of half guinea is charged if certificate is required by Scholar or Priz 3winner as to the Scholarship or Prize he has gained -FACULTY OF THEOLOGY Sambroofee Ejrbibittons in Zbeolooy Exhibitions not exceeding £20 in value arising from the Legacy bequeathed to the College by Thomas Godfrey Sambrooke are given at the discretion of the Dean to students of the second year in the Faculty of Theology who are in need of assistance 19 13 Irown 'harles Herbert Vincent 1924 Pym-Cornish Philip Gordon Wirasinha Rev James Peter Wirasinha Rev Jame6 Peter 19 14 Brown Charles Herbert Vincent 1925 Hart Leslie Hall Savile Brinton Lewis Mitchell George John Hart Leslie Stratton James William Mitchell George John Wirasinha Rev James Peter Ubeological JEjbibitions ant Bursaries sum of money amounting to £500 year is granted by the Eccle- siaetical Commissioners out of the City Parochial Charities Fund to students who are prepared to be ordained in the Dioceses of London Rochester Southwark or St Albans It is assigned as follows Six Exhibitions of £50 year to applicants from among the following Graduates of any University in the Empire Members of the Faculty who have passed the Intermediate Examination
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