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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-51

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15 SCHOLARSHIPS EXHIBITIONS AND PRIZES The following is list of those offered Scholarship or Prize Berridge Research Studentship Lay ton Research Studentship Harold Row Research Studentship Inglis Studentship Engineering Entrance Scholarships Sambrooke Entrance Scholarships in- Arts Natural Science Medical Science Engineering Daniell Scholarship Zoology Exhibition Rabbeth Scholarship Second Year Scholar- ship Warneford Scholarships Jelf Medals Barry Prizes Carter Prize Stephen Prize Brewer Prize Gladstone Memorial Prize Hare Prize Warr Memorial Prize Early English Text Drew Medal Carter Prize Siemens Prizes Tennant Prize Alfred Hughes Huxley Prize Leathes Prize Trench M'Caul Prize Subject Warneford Prizes Walter Smith Prize Merchant Taylors' Com pany Scholarship Skinners' Company Scholarship Public Health Science Zoology English Literature English Mathe- matics &c Classics Science Subjects Vrts or Science Subjs English Mathe matics &c Chemistry Zoology Medical Subjects Divinity and Arts or Science Subjects General Merit Divinity English Verse English Essay History Modern History and Political Science Zoology "Latin -j Greek Ancient History English Literature Mathematics Botany Metallurgy Geology Mineralogy Anatomy Physiology Divinity Greek Test Senior Hebrew Junior Theological Essay Civil Engineering Arts or Science Subjs Arts or Science Subjects Date op Entry Sept March 27 March 27 March 27 March 27 March 27 March 27 May 31 May 31 May 31 Oct Oct March 27
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