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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-449

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

ANNUAL REPORT xlv Dexdy The Biological Foundations of Society '' Constable 1924 Non-Antarctic Sponges of the Terra Nova Expedition British Museum Publication Dendy Α and Frederick On Collection of Sponges from the Abrolhos Islands Proc Linn Soc Zool Vol XXXV Hentschel Cryptochilum boreale sp together with some notes on the Ciliates of Echinoids Parasitology Vol 16 Mackinnox and Adam Sporozoa from Tubifex The Life-History of Triactinomyxon Quart Journ Microsc Soc Vol 68 Notes on four Astomatous Ciliates from Oligochaete Worms Quart Journ Microsc Soc Vol 68 Tribe The Development of the Hepatic Venous System and the Post- caval Vein in the Marsupialia Phil Trans Boy Soc Ser Vol 212 Wyeth The Development of the Auditory Apparatus in Sphenodoti punctatus Phil Trans Roy Soc Ser Vol 212 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Gordon Τ Sc The Swiney Lectures in Geology for 1923 Deposited in British Museum Library Report on the Fossil Flora of Gullane British Association Toronto Meeting Section Wells Sc Further Study of the Nomenclature of Rocks Geol Mag Vol LXL 1924 With Wooldridge Sc The Mechanism of Sedimentary Cycles Geol Mag Vol LX 19123 Wooldridge Sc With Wells The Mechanism of Sedimentary Cycles Geol Mag Vol LX 1923 Wooldridge Sc Geologv of the Rayleigh Hills Essex Proc Geol Assoc Vol 34 1923
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