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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-444

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

xl ANNUAL REPORT DEPARTMENT OP GERMAN Atkins Lit The Frida Mond Collection at King's College Publications of the English Goethe Society Translation of The Common Spirit in Christian Thought Us History and Application by Ernst Troeltsch University of London Press Rose William Ph The Travels of Baron Munchausen Routledge Broadway Translations Edited with Introduction Simplicissimus the Vagabond Ditto The Mediieval Beast Epic Introduction to Reynard the Fox Broadway Translations From Goethe to Byron Routledge The Romantic Symbol Psyche July 1924 Die Anfange des Weltschmerzes in der deutschen Literatur Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift June 1924 Barker Ernest Litt LL Translation of parts of Christian Thought its History and Applica- tion by Ernst Troeltsch Revision of the translation of the three lectures delivered at King's College in coDaboration with the Baron von Hiigel DEPARTMENT OF MODERN GREEK Toynbee Arnold History of the Peace Conference of Paris Vol VI ch Part The Non-Arab Territories of the Ottoman Empire since the Armistice of the 30th Oct 1918 pp 77 Notes on the History of the Oxus and Jaxartes Basin Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH STUDIES Pastor Litt Phil Un Embajador de Espana en la escena inglesa Homenaje Don Ramon Menondez Pidal Vol II DEPARTMENT OF PORTUGUESE Prestage Edgar New Edition of the Carta de Guia de Casados of Francisco Manuel de Mello with Introduction Notes and Glossary Porto 1923 The Passion of Christ two elegies of Luis de Camoes on occasion of the poet's quatercentenary Watford 1924 series of articles on the minor works of Camoes not hitherto translated into English in The Tablet August 1924 Report on the Portuguese archives in the Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research Vol II No
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