Calendar: 1925-1926 Page 437
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ANNUAL REPORT XXX111 Buckland LL delivered two lectures also arranged by the University on The Classical Roman Law Recent Investigations Under the auspices of the Shakespeare Association Dr Walter Starkie Trinity College Dublin gave lecture on Shakespeare and the Spanish Drama Professor Boyanus of Petrograd gave lecture on The Beginnings of English Stagery11 and Miss Ven- gerova gave lecture on Hamlet in Russia In the Department of Engineering course of three special lectures was delivered by Mr Beard on Electric Power Mains Easter Term 1924 -The main course of lectures during this term was one of six lectures on The History and Present Position of the British Commonwealth in continuation of the course given in the Lent Term at the London School of Economics The subjects of the lectures and the lecturers were as follows Economic Problems of the Empire by Sir William Beveridge The Communications of the Empire by Sir Halford Mackinder Racial Problems of the Empire '' by Professor Seligman Religions of the Empire by Professor Hobhouse The Trade of the Empire by Professor Sargent The Defences of the Empire by the Rt Hon Amery In the Department of Classics course of four lectures was given the subjects and the lecturers were The Historian Theopompus by Professor Gilbert Murray The Art of Herodotus by Professor Thomson Ancient Ghost Stories and Theories about Ghosts by Mr Edwyn Bevan The Saviour King in Greek Tradition by Professor Arnold Toynbee In the School of Slavonic Studies Dr Dragutin Subotic delivered course of four lectures on The First and Second Reigns of Prince Milos and Prince Michael and Prince Alexander Karagjorgjevic Professor Roman Dyboski delivered course of five lectures on Modern Poland In the Department of Spanish Studies Senor Don Joso Castillejo delivered three lectures arranged by the University on Education in Spain In the Department of Modern Greek Professor Arnold Toynbee delivered course of ten further lectures on Outlines of Byzantine Near Eastern and Modern Greek History 378-1841 In the Department of Italian Mr Arundel del Re delivered course of three lectures on English Influences in Italian Literature during the Eighteenth Century In the Department of Portuguese Professor Edgar Prestage delivered lecture on The Diplomatic Relations between Portugal and England from 1640 to 1668 In the Department of Theology Professor Percy Dearmer delivered These two lectures were delivered at the School of Economics j- This lecture was not given as Professor Hobhouse was ill
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