Calendar: 1925-1926 Page 436
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xxxii ANNUAL REPORT Coins by Hill Lit Keeper of the Department of Coins and Medals British Museum Craftsmen and Craftsmanship in Mediaeval Westminster by Lethaby Surveyor of Westminster Abbey In the Department of English Dr Scripture gave two lectures on What the Voice looks like and The Psychanalysis of the Poet In the School of Slavonic Studies Sir Bernard Pares delivered course of nine lectures on Russia from Peter the Great to 1861 Pro- fessor Seton-Watson delivered course of eight lectures on Survey of Bohemian History and another course of eight lectures on The Ris3 of Nationality in the Balkans Dr Otakar Vocadlo gave two lectures on Czech Poetry and Fiction י Professor Smal-Stotsky of the University of Prague gave two lectures on The Ukraine Historical Survey and Shevchenko and Modern Ukrainian Litera- ture Prince Mirsky delivered course of nine lectures on The History of Russian Literature יי and Dr Frantisek Pavlasek gave one lecture on Social Conditions in Czecho-slovakia In the Department of Spanish Studies Dr Pastor delivered four lectures on Spanish Mysticism In the Department of Portu- guese Senhor Rangel de Castro Secretary-General of the Brazilian Delegation to the League of Nations gave two lectures on The Civilisa- tion of Brazil In the Department of Modern Greek Professor Toyn- bee gave course of ten further lectures on Outlines of Byzantine Near Eastern and Modern Greek History 378-1841 In the Department of Roumanian there were three lectures delivered one by Gaster Ph on The Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat in Roumanian Literature" one by Mitrany on Foreign Influences in the Growth of Roumania and one by Mons Beza on Pagan Remnants in Roumanian Folklore In the Department of Theology Professor Percy Dearmer gave course of ten lectures on Seventeenth-century Art י and Professor Burkitt Norrisfan Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge gave course of three lectures arranged by the University on Christian Beginnings In the Department of Philosophy Pro- fessor Wildon Carr gave course of four lectures on The Transition to the Relativist Conception of Nature and Professor Hans Driesch of Leipzig gave course of four lectures arranged by the University on The Possibility of Metaphysics In the Department of Physiology Dr Hewitt gave course of four lectures on Food and why we require it 1' In the Department of Zoology Mr Lang of the British Museum gave two lectures arranged by the University on Recent Palaeontological Evidence with regard to Evolution In the Department of Mathematics Dr Horace Lamb gave three lectures arranged by the University on The Internal Constitution of the Earth In the Faculty of Laws Mr Bolland delivered lecture arranged by the University on The Book of Assizes and Professor
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