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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-433

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ANNUAL REPORT xxix of London and by Sir Dugald Clark for tho University Grants Committee Mr Geneve continued to collaborate with Mr Lobban in the design of the steelwork for the Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society's Building and was appointed member of the Draughtsmen's Conventions Committee of the British Engineering Standards Association Department of Civil Engineering -The steel truss 22 36 pre- sented by Messrs Dorman-Long has been mounted and fitted up for deflection and strain experiments The 22-ton horizontal Testing Machine presented in 1882 by the Clothworkers' Company was dis- pensed with and its place taken by new 20-ton Avery Vertical Testing Machine towards which the Clothworkers' Company generously con- tributed Ā£250 An 82- Ewing's Extensometer for Tension and Compression has been purchased The Thompson Turbine has been replaced by Gilkes Francis Turbine and the inlet pipes and tumbling bay have been enlarged to correspond The Professor served on the British Engineering Standards Asso- ciation's Committee on Cast Iron Pipes for Water and Gas Department of Mechanical Engineering -Certain improvements have been made in the equipment of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratories during the past session Froude Dynamometer has been fitted to the Dorman Petrol Engine and has greatly facilitated the running of complete tests by the students 10 De Laval Steam Turbine direct coupled to Froude Dynamometer has been ordered and it is hoped will be available for the use of students during the next session Professor Cook has continued to serve on the British Association Committee on Complex Stress Distribution in Engineering Materials and has been appointed member of the Springs Committee of the Board of Scientific and Industrial Research Mr Campbell has been promoted to the grade of Lecturer and has been appointed Warden of King's College Hall Department of Electrical Engineering -Mr Shawcross retired last Christmas from the post of Lecturer which he had held since 1903 and the Department feels the loss of one who has always been staunch and true friend Mr O'Meara and Mr Tuck have been awarded Industrial Bursaries by the 1851 Exhibition Commissioners which will enable them successfully to carry out their practical training in works Mr Atkins former student has been awarded an Institu- tion Premium by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for his paper on Electric Line Calculations their Practical Application to Trans- mission and Distribution Problems Professor Wilson continues to act as Chairman of the Permanent Magnet Panel of the British Engineering Standards Association and
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