Calendar: 1925-1926 Page 432
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xxviii ANNUAL EEPORT Nervous System These are becoming increasingly popular and are attracting the attention of many graduates of other Colleges Under the auspices of Emeritus Professor Halliburton the seventeenth volume of Collected Physiological Papers of the Department was published This is the record of the research work and scientific publications of the Department during the last year of Professor Halliburton's tenure of the Chair of Physiology large amount of research work was done in the Department during the session as the list of publications indicates There was consider- able development of research on the more purely experimental side and Post-graduate workers are being attracted to work in the Depart- ment Unfortunately limitation of space is considerable handicap for such workers but every effort is being made to accommodate research workers in so far as facilities permit Dr Hewitt was awarded the degree of Sc for his researches on the Metabolism of Carbo- hydrates and Dr Negus one of the research workers in the Depart- ment was awarded the degree of Master of Surgery receiving at the same time the University medal for his thesis Dr Negus also gave an Arris and Gale lecture at the Royal College of Surgeons Department of Public Health and Bacteriology -Eighteen students entered for the under the old regulations during the Michaelmas Term On January 1924 new regulations for the Diploma of Public Health came into force entailing longer and more extensive course The effect of these will probably be to diminish the number of students entering for the course The effect is already notice- able for only students have entered under these new regulations There has therefore been total of 20 now students during the current year The examination results have been excellent One student has been studying Bacteriology as the subsidiary sub- ject for an Honours Sc degree and passed in this subject last July Nine students have taken courses in Bacteriology of from one to three months' duration Two advanced students have been doing research in the Department Mr Barnard Lecturer in Microscopy was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in February ן 'HfiflRHK1' 0oi8fS jdt tLPi'fv ifit ύώ Π 01 10 dvifl Faculty of Engineering General -The number of students 135 again showed fall which was however to be expected Forty-three Internal Students sat for the Final Sc Eng Examination in July Of these 11 obtained First Class Honours 10 obtained Second Class Honours and 15 passed Six students sat for the External Sc Eng Examination of whom one obtained Second Class Honours and passed Twenty students were awarded the College Diploma in Engineering with Advanced Mathematics and 11 obtained the Certificate in Engineering The Engineering Departments were inspected by Sir Alfred Ewing Principal of Edinburgh University on behalf of the University
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