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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-421

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ANNUAL REPORT xvii History and also of the Board of Examiners in History During the spring of 1924 he obtained leave of absence in order to deliver course of lectures in the University of California Mr Laistner continued to act as Secretary to the Board of Studies in History Dr Jacob delivered three lectures to specialists on Some Popular Misreadings of Mediaeval History From the University of Oxford he received the degree of Doctor in Philosophy Towards the end of the session he was appointed Tutor at Christ Church Oxford-an appointment which unfortunately involved the severance of his connection with King's College It is impossible to speak too highly of the invaluable work which Dr Jacob did for the Department of History during his two and half years' association with it Miss Levett the Tutor to Women Students took over and further developed the teaching of Economic History begun by Dr Eileen Power during the two preceding sessions The Rev Professor Jenkins received the degree of Doctor in Divinity from the University of Oxford Dr Hubert Hall was re-elected Vice-President of the Royal Historical Society He was also invited to represent the University of London at conference of Anglo-American teachers of History to be held in the forthcoming Christmas vacation in America Mr Hilary Jenkinson devoted much time and ability to the organisa- tion of the Palaeographical Room at the Institute of Historical Research He also delivered course of lectures on Palseography at Cambridge under the auspices of the Maitland Memorial Trustees Mr Driver visited Central Europe as representative of the University Students' Association He also took part in Summer School at Dunford House organised by the London School of Economics Dr Edwyn Bevan delivered six lectures at Oxford on the Jewish Diaspora in the Greco-Roman world One of the students of the Department Wickwar in the autumn of 1923 won the Derby University Prize of the value of Ā£75 for History Department of French -In the first of the two final examinations which were held during the present session of the students of the College were placed in the First Class out of in the University at large In the second examination none of the students of the College obtained First Class but were placed in the second class and in the Third In the London Chamber of Commerce Senior Certificate Examination one of the students of the College obtained scholarship and another prize As in past sessions several of the students of the College have visited France for the purpose of study few have obtained posts in France and started their Post-graduate work there Mr Warne was awarded the Gilchrist Studentship and was engaged in research work at the University of Lille Mr Bartlett was preparing thesis at the Univer-
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