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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-402

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Page content

INDEX 413 PAGE Materia Medica 19- Mathematics- Arts Faculty 129 Engineering Faculty 229 Evening Class 253 Natural Science Faculty 166 Matriculation Preliminary Class for London University Day 112 Evening 242 McCaul Prize 62 Medical Faculty 179 Mechanical Engineering 210 Laboratory 218 Workshops 219 Mechanics See Mathematics Merchant Taylors Company Scholarship 59 Metallurgy 230 Metallurgical Laboratory 230 Military Science 178 Mineralogy 173 Museums- Anatomy 44 King George III 44 Names of Dean and Theological Department Staff 265 Names of Principal and Staff 100 Names of Present Staff Alphabetical List of 297 Names of Past Staff Alphabetical List of 302 Names of Students- Arts Faculty 330 Engineering Faculty 345 Evening Classes 328 331 333 337 339 423 Laws 837 Medical Science Faculty ot 331 Natural Science Faculty of 337 Theological Faculty 32 King's College for Women 348 Natural Science Faculty of 159 Notice of Withdrawal 90 Occasional Students General Rules 90 Names 328 329 333 339 344 347 Officers of the College Names of 100 Officers Training Corps 80 Old Students' Association 81 Palaeography 12 Pastoral Theology 285 Pharmacy 193 Philosophy 131 Philosophy of Religion 285 Physics- Engineering Faculty 230 Evening Classes 254 Medical Faculty 187 Science Faculty 167 Physical Laboratory 168 Physiology 175 PAGE Plumptre Prize 65 Portuguese 116 13 250 Preliminary Class 112 242 Principal Name of 100 Principal and Staff 100 Prizes Rules 46 Prizes- Early English Text Society 71 Gladstone Memorial 69 Barry 61 Brewer 69 Burrows 70 Caldecott 63 Carter- Botany 71 English 67 Collins 67 Drew Medal Hare 72 Hughes 74 Huxley 74 Jelf Medal 60 Knowling 64 Leathes 73 McCaul 62 Plumptre 05 Siemens Medal 75 Stephen 68 Tennant 72 Trench 62 Walter Smith 75 Warneford 73 Warr Memorial 70 Whichelow Reading Prize 66 Wordsworth 64 Prize Winners 364 Professorial Board 97 Professors Names of Present 297 Professors Lecturers &c Arts Faculty 101 Engineering Faculty 107 Laws Faculty 104 Medical Science Faculty of 10 li Natural Science Faculty 105 Theological Faculty MS Psychology 133 175 252 Rabbeth Scholarship 55 Refreshments 39 Register of Graduates 42 Regular Students 90 Reports Annual Delegacy end Report Annual of Council end Representatives Endowed Schools 108 Ileview King's College 79 Romance Philology 122 Roumanian 134 Rules for Students 90 Scholarships Prizes 46 Russian 134 250 Salomon's Scholarships 58
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