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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-376

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385 PAST AND PRESENT ASSOCIATES OF KING'S COLLEGE LONDON Elected since 1914 For tfte names of those elected previously to 1866 see the Calendars for 1865-6 and 1896-7 For those elected between 1866 and 1880 inclusive see Calendar of 1889-1900 For those elected between 1880 and 1904 inclusive see Calendar of 1911-12 For those elected between 1905 and 1906 inclusive see Calendar of 1915-16 For those elected between 1906 and 1914 inclusive see Calendar of 1919-20 Elected Name Faculty or Dept 1922' Abbott Harold Sc Science 1924 Court Charles Leslie Sc Engineering 1924 Adams Archibald Robert Sc Engineering 1915 Adams Harry Arts 1923 Adams James Theology 1921 Adams William Frederick Sc Engineering 1916 Adcock Frank Sc Science 1923 Allen Eric Theology 1924 Anderson Arthur Edward Oswald Theology 1916 Ansell Geoige Frederick James Theology 1923 Armes Albert Theology 1915 Atkinson Edwin John Sc Science 1920 Ayling Ernest Edward Sc Science 1923 Baker Charles Buckingham Theology 1912 Balcomb Arthur John Theology 1921 Bard Laurence Percival Sc Engineering 1921 Barker Francis Edwin Theology 1922 Barlow Bev Harry Theology 1923 Barnctt Leslie Grant Theology 1916 Barrass Julian Sinclair Theology 1922 Barrett Sydney Ernest Sc Eng Engineering 1923 Barter Snow Dorothy Mary Arts 1920 Bartlett Frederick Harold Theology 1924 Bartlett Frederick James Redvcrs Arte 1920 Bartlett John Boy Crawford Theology 1921 Bartram Cecil William Sc Science 1915 Baas Walter Alfred Gordon Sc Eng Engineering 1916 Basu Ramani Mohan Sc Science 1915 Batson Alan Stewart Sc Engineering 1922 Batterbury Richard Neville Theology 1922 Beale William James Theology 1923 Beardmore Harold Theology 1922 Beaumont Percy James Theology 1921 Beck Herbert James Theology 1924 Beck John Robert Sidney Theology 1917 Bennett Lorna Arts 1915 Bentley William St Auburn Theology 1920 Beresford Paul Theology 1920 Bertin John Freeman Theology 1915 Bevan Rev James Theology 1919 Biggs William John Arts 1924 Black George Moffatt Theology 1924 Blake Frederick Hyde Sc Engineering 1921 Bliss George Alfred Theology 1919 Bolding Horace George Theology 1921 Boorman John Theology 1920 Borrow John Milton Theology 1921 Bradfield Harold William Theology 1917 Bray Ella Arts
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