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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-282

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FACULTY OF THEOLOGY 285 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION Rev Walter Robert Matthews Professor Rev Alfred Caldecott Lit Professor Emeritus Rev Frederick Harold Smith Lecturer Yj-Preliminary and Matriculation Logic Friday 30-8 30 Y2-Intermediate Divinity Psychology Tuesday 11-12 Y3-Ethics Intermediate Divinity and 1st Year Thursday 2-3 study of the work prescribed by the University for 1926 Aristotle's tocsI-IV VII-X Y4-Philosophy Thursday 30-7 30 Evening and Intermediate Divinity As above -B Degree and Philosophy of Religion Wednesday 10-11 Z2-Comparative Religions Friday 2-3 Studied in accordance with the Syllabus for this subject in the University regulations for Final Note -Each of these Courses extends over two years but is so arranged that each year's lectures form complete whole -Seminar Philosophy of Hume Friday 5-6 Z2-History of Modern Philosophy Wednesday 12-1 A2-Philosophy of Religion Advanced Class Friday 4-5 A3-Comparative Religions Advanced Class Friday 3-4 Y5-Psychology Monday 30-7 30 PASTORAL AND LITURGICAL THEOLOGY Rev Clement Francis Rogers Professor For First Year -Prayer Book Monday 10-11 Michaelmas Term The Eucharist and General History of the Prayer Book Lent Term -The Daily Office Summer Term -Baptism and Confirmation 53- Elocution Monday 2-3 54- Vocal Music Friday 10-11 S-Homiletics Thursday 12-1 For Second Year Music Friday 10
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