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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-281

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284 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY RABBINICAL HEBREW Rev Canon George Herbert Box Professor A3-Syllabus as for the Honours NEW TESTAMENT Rev Frank Russell Barry Professor Edwyn Bevan Litt Lecturer Rev Ralph Houghton Lecturer -Greek Testament Monday 30-8 30 Y2-Greek Testament with Translation Class Thursday 10-11 Z2-Between the Testaments Thursday 2-3 General Introduc- tion Thursday 2-3 Moral Ideas of New Testament Z3-Greek Testament Thursday 12-1 St John Corinthians Z1-Exegesis of New Testament Two years' course Tuesday 2-3 General Introduction to New Testament Y3-Greek Testament Wednesday 11-12 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY Rev Claude Jenkins Professor -Early Church History Two years' course Monday 11- 12 Z2-English Church History Two years' course Tuesday 12- Yj-Ancient History Preliminary Year Matriculation Class and Intermediate Tuesday 10-11 Y2-- Wednesday 30-7 30 Z3-Ecclesiastical History Evening Class Wednesday 30- 30 Other Lectures will be arranged as required in General Church History advanced and upon Special Periods Z4-B Degree Pass Selected Patristic Texts See 278 note Monday 12-1 Z5-B Special Period Time by arrangement Aj-Seminar Parochial Records Time arranged A2-Ecclesiastical records of 16th and 17th Centuries Thursday 15 at Lambeth Palace A3-Seminar Religion in England 1300-1500 At Lambeth Palace Library Time arranged A4-B Degree Honours in History Selected Texts Wednesday 10 A5-Greek and Latin Palaeography Institute of Historical Research Thursday 30-7 30
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