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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-254

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EVENING DEPARTMENT 255 Y8 -Practical Clase Crystallography Mineralogy relating to important rock-forming minerals and including microscopic work Study of Geological Maps Tu 7-9 Fees -Y or Y2 £2 per Term or £5 per annum Note -Arrangements are made for Students to take Sc Classes at Birkheck College GEOGRAPHY Inter-Collegiate Courses are arranged King's College and The London School of Economics Students wishing to be registered at King's College should consult Professor Gordon Intermediate -Lectures 1st Term at King's College 2nd and 3rd Terms at the London School of Economics Tu 6-8 Sc -Lectures Tu 6-8 Practical Tu 8-9 BOTANY Head of the Department Professor Reginald Ruggles Gates Ph -Intermediate Class Lectures 6-7 Y4 -Intermediate Class Practical 7-9 Fees -For the Course £4 per Term or £10 per annum The full Course for Internal Students extends over two years Note -Arrangements are made for Students to take Sc Classes at Birkbeck College ZOOLOGY Head of the Department Professor Julian Sorell Huxley Note -Arrangements are made for students who desire to take Zoology to be admitted to the Classes at Birkbeck College
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