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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-217

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216 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Two-Hinged and Fixed Arches-Suspension Bridges with stiffening Girders-Influence Lines for Framed Girders and Arch Ribs Columns with Loads carried on Side Brackets Portal Bracings Virtual work and application to questions of deflection of Frames Redundant Frames Temperature Stresses Arch Ribs and other problems Fee -£12 12 Z1e-Advanced Theory op Machines and Machine Design Lent and Easter Terms -Two lectures and hours' design per week Design and Advanced Theory of Governors Secondary Balancing-Multi-cylinder Engines-Yarrow Schliek- Tweedy Four-crank Engine Resultant unbalanced Forces and Couples due to primary and secondary effects Inertia Forces in Mechanisms-The Connecting Rod-Transverse and Torsional Vibrations Forced Vibration and Damping Whirling of Shafts loaded and unloaded-Critical Speeds-Stresses in Rotating Discs-Design of Centrifugal Pump and Turbine Discs- Design of Worm and Helical Gearing-Efficiencies Simple Mechanisms in Three Dimensions-Hooke's Joint-Twisting and Rolling of Ruled Surfaces-Skew Bevel Gearing-Internal Combustion Engine Design Fee-£12 12s z17 z18 and Z19-Public Works Design and Construction z17-Water-Supply Sewage Disposal and Waterways Winter Session only -One lecture per week Water Supply -Rainfall Evaporation Percolation and Run Off- Systems of Supply-Storage Reservoirs-Dams-Accessory Works- Filtration Slow and Rapid-Gravitation and Pumping-Service Reservoirs-Distribution-Aqueducts-Conduits and Pipes-Valves- Pipe-laying Sewage Disposal -House Drainage-Sewers Separate and Com- bined-Storm Water-Trades Waste-Syphons-Pumping-Ventila- tion-Flushing Trapping Overflows Screening Sedimentation Chemical Precipitation and Septic Tanks-Tidal Outfalls-Irrigation and Land Filtration-Contact Beds and Percolating Filters-Filtering Media-Distributors-Refuse Destructors
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