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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-215

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214 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Rateau Curtis and other types-Reaction Turbines-Velocity Dia- grams Blade Calculations-Parsons Ljungstrom and mixed types- Condensers Mechanical Refrigeration-Carnot's principle-Coefficient of Per- formance-Reversed Carnot and Stirling Cycles for perfect Gases- Reversed Joule Cycle-Bell-Coleman Air Machine-Vapour Compres- sion Machines-Reversed Carnot Cycle for Vapours-Regulating Valve-Use of Entropy Charts-Undercooling -Wet Dry and Superheated Compression Comparison of Working Substances-Ammonia Carbon dioxide Sulphur dioxide Ethyl chloride Performance of Refrigerating Machines-Absorption Machines Laboratory -One half-day per week throughout the Session Complete efficiency tests of Steam Engines Internal Combustion Engines Boilers Air Compressor Refrigerator-The Calorimetry of Solid Liquid and Gaseous Fuels Fee -£3 3s Winter Session £3 3s Summer Term Z10-Theory of Structures and Structural Design Two lectures per week throughout the Session Bending Moment and Shearing Force Diagrams for Dead and Live Load-Influence Lines-Design of Compound and Plate Web Girders Graphical and Analytical Methods of estimating Forces in Framed Structures-Effects of Wind Pressure-Live and Dead Load Stresses Design of Roof Trusses and other Framed Structures-Estimation of Deflection-Steel Framed Buildings Riveted and Pin Joints Design of Columns and Struts-Grillage and other Foundations Earth Pressure Design of retaining Walls-Line of Thrust in re taining Walls and Dams Distribution of Stress in Masonry Structures -Brick Chimneys Reinforced Concrete Beams Columns Floor Systems and retaining Walls Three-hinged Arches-Suspension Bridges Fee -£9 9s -Exercise Classes in Z9 z12 and Strength of Materials Two hours per week in Michaelmas and Lent Terms Summer Term -One hour per week Strength of Materials Fee -£4 4s Winter Session £2 2s Summer Term Zj2-Theory op Machines and Machine Design Third Year Michaelmas and Summer Terms -One lecture per week Valves and Valve Gears-Zeuner and Harmonic Valve Diagrams applied to Meyer Valve Gear-Analytical treatment-Reversing and
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