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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-124

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FRENCH 121 FRENCH Head of the Department Professor Victor Spiers es -Intermediate Arts Yj -Composition and Set Books Division Prof Spiers Th 3-5 Division Î’ Mr Hughes Th 3-5 Division Mr Jones Th 2-4 Division Madame de Walmont Th 3-5 Y2 -Outlines of Literature Mr Hughes IF 10-11 II -B Pass Zv-Composition and Set Books 1st year Mr Jones 2nd year Mr Hughes 4-5 Dr Webb Tu 4-5 Z2 -1st and 2nd years Mr Jones Th 11-12 Literature and Set Books Z3 -Old French Grammar and Versification Outlines of French Literature of the Middle Ages Prescribed Texts Dr Shears Tu 2-3 III -B Honours Ar-Composition and Translation 1st year Prof Spiers Th 11-1 A2 -Composition and Translation 2nd year Prof Spiers 11-1 A3 -History of the French Language Dr Shears 1st year 11-12 2-3 2nd year 12-1 3-4 A4 -Prescribed Mediaeval Texts Dr Shears Tu 12-1 A5 History of the Language of the Sixteenth Century Darme- steter et Hatzfeld Morceaux choisis des principaux ecrivains en prose et en vers du XVI' siecle Dr Shears 10-11 -History of French Literature of the Middle Ages Dr Shears Tu 11-12 -Literature 1st year Mr Jones Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century 3-4 -Literature 2nd year Mr Hughes Eighteenth and Nine- teenth Century Th 12-1 A9 -French Literature Special Subject Prof Eccles Bedford College 3-4 A10 -Prescribed Modern Texts 1st and 2nd years Mr Hughes 12-1 Dr Webb Times to be arranged -Tutorial Classes 1st year Mr Jones Tu 3-4 2nd year Mr Hughes Th 11-12 11-12
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