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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-115

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112 FACULTY OF ARTS Electricity and Magnetism and Two of the following not taken under of which one must be language other than English unless Latin or Greek is taken under Latin Italian Greek Russian French Spanish German Welsh Either Ancient History or Modern European History or English History Physical and General Geo- graphy Logic Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing Mathematics more advanced Mechanics Chemistry Physics-Heat Light and Sound Physics-Electricity and Mag- netism Biology-Botany Biology-Zoology Geology NOTE -Candidates taking any languages other than those named above must give six months' notice The Examination is held three times year in January June and September There is Special Class in the College conducted by Mr Brinton devoted to preparation for this and other Entrance Examinations For particulars see separate circular Intermediate Examination in Arts FIRST year students take the courses for the INTERMEDIATE ARTS Examination Four subjects are to be chosen by candidates from the following list and Two languages of which one must be either Latin with Roman History or Greek with Greek History Both Latin and Greek may be taken Latin can be taken only by those who have already taken it in the Matriculation Examination or its equivalent and Any two of the following subjects not already taken Latin with Roman History Greek with Greek History English French German Italian Spanish Portuguese Dutch Danish Norwegian Swedish Russian Polish Czech and Slovak Serbo-Croat and Slovene Hebrew Arabic Persian Turkish Sanskrit Pali Tamil Sinhalese Malay Chinese Japanese History Ancient History History of Architecture Geography Logic Ethics Economics Pure Mathematics Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Geology Botany Zoology Military Science
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