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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1925-1926-107

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FACULTY OF ARTS 103 Mathematics Pure and Applied Stuart Arthur Frank White Professors Arthur Ernest Jolliffe John Borthwick Dale Assistant Professor Sydney Taverner Shovelton Secretary of King's College James Henderson Sc Charles Gordon James Sc Frederick Bath Sc Horace Russell Davies Sc Arthur Christopher Heath -Assistant Lecturers Military Studies Lieut -Col Phillips Lecturer Modern Greek Vacant Koraes Professor Philosophy Herbert Wildon Carr Litt Professor Hilda Diana Oakeley Reader Rev Walter Robert Matthews Professor of Philosophy of Religion Portuguese Edgar Prestage Litt Camoens Professor William Bentley Lecturer Psychology Francis Arthur Powell Aveling Ph Sc Reader James Arthur Hadfield Ch Lecturer Robert John Bartlett Sc Lecturer Roumanian Marcu Beza Lieenci6-es-Lettres Lecturer School of Slavonic Studies Director Professor Sir Bernard Pares Comparative Slavonic Philology Norman Brooke Jopson Reader Russian Language Arshak Raefi Lecturer Russian Literature Prince Dmitry Svyatopolk-Mirsky Lecturer Russian History Sir Bernard Pares Professor Ethnography of Russia Harold Williams Ph Lecturer Hon
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