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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-93

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faculty of arts 89 Evening Classes Warr Professor Latham Lecturer London University Class Monday 7-8 Michael- mas and Lent Terms If Text-Books Aristophanes' Vespae Thucydides Book II Papers will be set each week on the books prescribed for the London University Examination and on the special period of Greek History also passages for translation and questions on Greek Syntax II Junior Class Thursday 6-8 For London University Matriculation January 1900 Plato Apology For London University Matriculation June 1900 Euripides Hecuba Grammar Junior Course Grammar and Exercises Other authors will be read if required by members of the Class and assistance will be given by papers Fees -Each Class £1 Is per Term or £1 lis 6d for the Winter Session יי' י LATIN י1 י Warr Professor Hetherington Lecturer Elementary Class Μ 12 11 Text-Books Vergil Aeneid VI Michaelmas Term Caesar de Bell Gall IV 20-V 23 Grammar &c II London University Inter Class Tu 11 12 Text-Books Cicero de Officiis III Horace Odes and Epodes Grammar &c III London University Class Tu 10 Text-Books Cicero pro Sulla Lucretius de Rer Nat Composition &c Fees -Each Class £2 28 per Term or £5 5s per annum
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