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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-887

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The most competent and best edited paper of its class "-Athenaeum THE JOURNAL of EDUCATION Η IDontbls IRecotft an& Review PRICE SIXPENCE Annual prepaid Subscription 7s '4 The 'Journal of Education' occupies the broadest field of any educational journal It has from its very first number pleaded strenuously for the organisation of secondary education the registration of teachers and the unification of our whole educational system And over and above all this it has constantly furnished its readers with papers on the art and science of teaching which must have thrown floods of light on the dark path of many despairing pedagogue "-Bradford Observer There is no periodical which covers the iield of education more fully or more ably than the Journal of Education "-Leeds Mercury Offices BROADWAY LUDGATE HILL GHING 163 in the STRAND Supply Students with Note Books and Stationery at the lowest prices Note Paper stamped with the College Crest kept in Stock 2s 6d quires Testimonials printed HORNE THORNTHWAITE'S STRAND DEVELOPER For Plates Films Bromide and Velox Papers DOES NOT STAIN THE FINGERS MOST ECONOMICAL CAN BE USED MANY TIMES OVER WITHOUT LOSS OF VICOUR Gives the greatest satisfaction wherever used Price 1s per Bottle Post Free Sample Bottle 6d HORNE THORNTHWAITE Opticians to the Queen Photographic Apparatus Makers Catalogue Post Free 416 STRAND LONDON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OR PRIVATE TUITION The Scholastic Association Limited body of Oxford and Cambridge graduates supplies without charge information as to Schools Public or Private and Tutors for all Examinations- BEEVOR LANCASTER PLACE STRAND Manager Scholastic Department 27
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