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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-876

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DAVID ΝUTT 270-271 STRAND LONDON Mr DAVID NUTT begs to call attention to his Stock of Foreign Books in all Departments of Litera- ture and Science Any Foreign Work New or Second- hand supplied promptly and at Moderate Prices Subscriptions taken for all Foreign Periodicals The following Catalogues and Lists sent on application Foreign Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics and of Com- mentaries upon them 72 pages Svo Post free for two penny stamps Works relating to Classical Antiquity With an index of subjects 58 pages Svo Post free for two penny stamps Catholic Theology in Latin and in Foreign Languages With an index of subjects 98 pages Svo Post free tor one shilling Modern Foreign Theology and Philosophy in all its branches including also Semitic Literature etc With an index of subjects 112 pages Svo Cloth Post free for one shilling sequel to the preceding consisting of 118 pages Svo with full index ot subjects Cloth Post free for one shilling Modern French Literature in all its Branches with Appendix of French and Provengai Texts to the 15th century and works for the study of Old French and early French Literature 96 pages 12mo Post free for three penny stamps French Educational Books and Books for the Young i2mo Post free for one penny stamp New Edition preparing Standard and Popular Spanish and Portuguese Literature 24 pages 12mo Post free for one penny stamp Standard and Popular Italian Literature 28 pages l2mo Post free for one penny stamp German Books including also works on the Gothic Norse Anglo-Saxon Early English Old Middle High and Low German languages and literatures 78 pages 121110 Post free for two penny stamps David Nutt's Publications 36 pages Svo Gratis and post free David Nutt's Publications and Importations for the Study of Foreign Languages 26 pages Svo Gratis and post free Monthly List of New French Books Yearly Subscription one shilling Persons desirous of receiving Second-hand Catalogues are re quested to state the SUBJECTS in which they are interested Mr NUTT has also published GUIDE TO THE CHOICE OF CLASSICAL BOOKS New Supplement 1879-1895 By Joseph Mayor Hon Fellow of St John's College Cambridge Sewed 4s nett cloth 53 net The original Guide to the Choice of Classical Books9 is still on sale in the second Edition of 1879 price 2s 6d nett in cloth The supplement in addition to recording the literature posterior to 1879 also supplements the earlier entries where necessary In both Guide and Supplements the editions and translations are arranged under the authors and the general literature is classified Full Contents are given of such series as Teubner's Migne's the Berlin Corpus Inscriptionum etc
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