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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-874

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BLACKWOOD SONS BLACKWOODS' ILLUSTRATED CLASSICAL TEXTS General Editor-Η AUDEN In Cr Svo volumes Illustrated ESAR -GALLIC WAR Bks IV -V By St Wynne-Willson Assistant Master at Rugby Is 61$ Ready OVID -Metamorphoses Selections By Vince Assistant Master at Bradfield September VERGIL -GEORG1C IV ByJ Sargeaunt Assistant Master at September Westminster Other Volumes in preparation HIGHER LATIN UNSEENS Selected with Introductory Hints on Transla- tion by Auden Assistant-Master at Fettes College Edin- burgh 28 Gd HIGHER LATIN PROSE With an Introduction by Auden 28 Gd X- Key to the above available for Teachers only Price bs ad LATIN VERSE UNSEENS By Middleton Lecturer in Latin Aberdeen University late Scholar of Emmanuel College Cambridge Crown Svo 18 Gd HIGHER GREEK UNSEENS Selected with Introductory Hints on Trans- lation bv Auden 26 Gd HIGHER GREEK PROSE With an Introduction by Auden 2s Gd GREEK PROSE PHRASE-BOOK Based on Thucydides Xenophon Demosthenes and Plato Arranged according to subjects with Indexes By Auden Editor of Meissner's Latin Phrase Book י Interleaved 3s Gd Τ GREEK VERSE UNSEENS By Mills late Lecturer in Greek Aberdeen University formerly Scholar of Wadham College Oxford Crown Svo Is Gd GREEK TEST PAPERS By James Moir Litt LL Co-Rector ο Aberdeen Grammar School 28 Gd Key in preparation to the above will be available to Teachers only PROGRESSIVE GERMAN COMPOSITION With Copious Notes and Idioms And First Introduction to German Philology By Louis Lubovius German Master Hillhead High School Glasgow 3s Gd Key available for Teachers onbj 5s net MODERN GEOMETRY OF THE POINT STRAIGHT LINE AND CIRCLE An Elementary Treatise By Third Μ Α Headmaster Spier School Beith 3s iO YAC CHT HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE By Logie Robertson Edinburgh Ladies' College Author of Outlines of English Literature Second Edition Crown Svo 3s WORKING HANDBOOK OF THE ANALYSIS OF SENTENCES Will Notes on Parsing Paraphrasing Figures of Speech and Prosody New Edition Revised Crown Svo Is Gd INTERMEDIATE TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY By rrofessor Charles Lapworth LL Ac Mason College Birmingham Founded on Dr Page's Introductory Book of Geology Witii Illustrat'ons Crown Svo 5s י η τ Τ ft ύ ft י λ £ ϊ flfrt ff ί 11 ν Κ Β Ρ ft TEXT-BOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY By Fred Theobald Cantab Foreign Member of the Association of Official Economic Entomologists Zoologist to the -E Agri- cultural College Wye fcc With numerous Illustrations Crown 8vo 8s Gd Complete Catalogue will be forwarded Post Free on application WILLIAM BLACKWOOD SONS Edinburgh and London ΙΟ 199λ Vjfc Ο 04 וי ν JVI י יי י ινν Λ ν
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