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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-873

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WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS LTD Law Publishers and Booksellers Third Edition thoroughly revised Demy Svo cloth 16s BRETT'S LEADING CASES IN MODERN EQUITY By Thomas Brett of the Middle Temple Barrister-at-Law LL Author of Brett's Commentaries on the Present Laws of England and Joint Author of "Clerke and Brett's Conveyancing Acts and late Lecturer on Equity to the Incorporated Law Society Third Edition revised to date By Rogers and Dixon of the Inner Temple I3arristers-at Specially recommended as text-book for "The Final by the Solicitors9 Journal Second Edition thoroughly revised Demy Svo vols Cloth 38$ BRETT'S COMMENTARIES ON THE PRESENT LAWS OF ENGLAND By Thomas Brett LL Author of Leading Cases in Modern Equity and Joint Author of 4'Clerke and Brett's Com veyancing Acts 1881-82 main idea of this book is to bring into special prominence the present and living law and only to deal with past law or that which is practically obsolete so far as it is necessary to enable the reader to understand the present The success we predicted for this book on its first appearance only year ago seems now to be fully assured Mr Brett is singularly fortunate in being called upon so soon to bring out new Edition because he has thus been afforded an opportunity of availing himself of the suggestione of his friends and the criticisms of his reviewers "-Law Journal Cheap Edition vol cloth 108 THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION By Dr Rudolph Gneist Professor of Law in the University of Berlin Trans- lated by Philip Ashworth of the Inner Temple Esq Barrister-at-Law "No foreigner has done more than Professor Gneist to examine and make clear the history and nature of the English Constitution He discusses such vital questions as 'Whither are we drifting 'How far do recent changes in the franchise accord with the old spirit of the Constitution י What is in store for us with democracy supreme On such questions as these the opinion of foreigner who is scholar but no bookworm and who has sedulously studied our institutions is certainly much more weighty than that of most Englishmen At this time these volumes are especially instructive They cast light on almost all the great questions of current politics "-Times Fourth Edition with portrait Crown Svo cloth 78 6d THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT Its growth and development through thousand years 800-1887 By Dr Rudolph Gneist Author of "The History of the English Constitution Translated by Prof Α Η Keane Second Edition revised and enlarged Crown Svo cloth 7s 6d י THE INSTITUTES OF JUSTINIAN Illustrated by English Lav Intended chiefly for students at the Universities and Inns of Court By James Williams of Lincoln's Inn Barrister-at-Law In this work the Institutes are as far as possible compared paragraph by paragraph with English Law upon the same subjects commentary upon the Institutes which will be of great use to candi dates for legal honours at the universities "-Law Times We can hardly speak too highly of the design of this small work and the labour bestowed upon it "-Law Students9 Journal Crown Sv0y cloth 7s 6d THE ELEMENTS OF MERCANTILE LAW For the use of Students and others By Τ Scrutton LL Barrister at-Law Author of "Charter Parties and Bills of Lading The Law of Copyright Ac and Lecturer on Common Law to the Incorporated Law Society London WM CLOWES ά SONS Limited 27 Fleet Street 13
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