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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-872

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BOOKS FOR STUDENTS CLASSICS The Odes of Horace Books and II Edited by Stephen Gwynn late Scholar and Hulmean Exhibitioner of Brasenose College Oxford Illustrated Is 6d each The First Catiline Oration Of Cicero Edited by Haines Keene Professor of Greek in Queen's College Cork Illus- trated Is Gd The Catiline Orations of Cicero COMPLETE Edited by Haines Keene 2s 6d THE OXFORD MANUALS OF ENGLISH HISTORY Edited by Oman Fellow of All Souls College Oxford With Maps &c Is each The Making of the English Nation 55-a 1135 By Robertson King and Baronage ad 1135- 1328 By Hutton England and the Hundred Years' War 1327-1485 By Oman England and the Reforma tion 1485-1603 By Powers King and Parliament 1603-1714 By Wakeling The Making of the British Empire 1714-1832 By Arthur Hassall SCIENCE Des Chanel's Natural Phil- osophy Translated and Edited by Professor Everett Fourteenth Edition thoroughly revised and much en- larged Medium 8vo cloth 18s also in Parts 4s 6d each Part -Mechanics Hydrostatics &c Part II -Heat Part III -Electricity and Mag- netism Part IV -Sound and Light Text Book of Organic Chemistry By Bernthsen Ph formerly Professor of Chemistry in the University of Heidelberg Translated by George M'Gowan Ph New Edition thoroughly revised and much en- larged 7s Elementary Inorganic Chem- is try Theoretical and Prac- tical With Examples in Chemical Arithmetic By Humboldt Sexton Fifth Edition revised and enlarged 2s &d THE WARWICK LIBRARY Comparative Manuals of EnglishLit- erature General Editor-Professor Herford Litt 3s Gd each English Pastorals Edited by Edmund Chambers English Literary Criticism Edited by Vaughan English Essays Edited by Lobban English Masques Edited by Evans English Lyric Poetry 1500- 1700 Edited byF Carpen- ter Litt THE WARWICK SHAKESPEARE Henry the Eighth Edited by Nicol Smith Is 6d The Merchant of Venice Edited by Withers Is Gd Coriolanus Edited by Ε Chambers Is Gd Henry the Fifth By Moore Smith 16 Gd Twelfth Night Edited by Innes Is Gd As You Like It Edited by Smith Is Gd Richard the Second Edited by Herford Litt Is 6d Macbeth Edited by Edmund Chambers Is Julius Caesar Edited by Innes Is Hamlet Edited by Ε Cham bers Is Gd Richard III Edited by Mac- donald Is 6d Midsummer-Night's Dream Edited by Ε Chambers Is 6d Cymbeline Edited by Wyatt Is Gd The Tempest Edited by Fred Boas Is 6d MATHEMATICS Euclid's Elements of Geo- metry With Notes Examples and Exercises Arranged by Layng formerly Scholar of Sidney Sussex College Cambridge Books to VI with XL and Appendix and wide selection of Examination Papers 3s Gd Books to IV in one vol 2s Gd Book Is II 6d HI Is IV Gd and VI together Is XL Is Gd KEY to Book 2s Gd to complete Euclid 5s Algebraic Factors How to Find them and how to Use them Factors in the Examina- tion Room By Dr Knight 2s Key 3s Gd London BLACKIE SON Limited Old Bailey 12
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