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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-870

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CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Books suitable for University of London Examinations 1900 MATRICULATION JANUARY 1900 PlatO -Apologia Socratis Edited by Adam 3s 6d Vergil- iEneid Book VI Edited by Sidgwick Is 6d MATRICULATION JUNE 1900 Euripides -Hecuba Edited by Uydley 2s 6d C8esar De Bello Gallico Comment IV -V Edited by Peskett Is 6d Caesar -De Bello Gallico Comment IV -V Edited with Introduction Notes and Vocabulary by Shuckburgh Is 6d each י ν ע י WW &&2a in oiJH INTERMEDIATE ARTS 1900 Sophocles Antigone Part III of the Plays and Fragments with Crftitjftl Notes Commentary and Translation in English Prose by Jkhb Litt LL Regius Professor of Greek in the Universit of Cambridge Second Edition Demy Svo 128 fid r7 io Euripides -Ion The Greek Text with Translation into English rse Introduction and Notes by Verrall Litt Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College Cambridge Demy Svo 7a 6d 91v sited Cicero -De Officiis Book III Edited by Holden LL 2s Horace -Odes and Epodes Edited by Gow Litt des Books and III 28 each Books II and IV Is 6d each J£p0DES Is 6d Odks and Epodes in one Volume 5s Shakespeare -A Midsummer Night's Dream Edited with Introduction Notes and Glossary by Verity Is 6d 1900 Aristophanes -Vespse Edited by Graves 3s 6d Cicero pro Sulla Edited by Reid Litt 6d Lucretius Book Edited by Duff 2s Goethe -Iphigenie auf Tauris Edited by Karl Breul Litt Ph 3s 6d rfOOff- ttj CAMBRIDGE NATURAL SCIENCE MANUALS PHYSICAL SERIES General Editor-R GLAZEBROOK Μ Δ Fellow of Trinity College Principal of University College Liverpool Mechanics and Hydrostatics By Glazebrook Crown Svo Ss Also in separate volumes Part -DYNAMICS 4s Part II -STATICS 3s Part III -HYDROSTATICS 3s Heat and Light By Glazebrook Crown Svo 5s And separately Heat 38 Light 3s Teachers who require book on Light suitable for the Class-room and Laboratory would do well to adopt Mr Glazebrook wort "-Nature Laboratory Note Book of Elementary Practical Physics By Wilberforce and Fitzpatrick Demon- strators at the Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge Part -MECHANICS AND HYDROSTATICS Part II- HEAT AND OPTICS Is each Part III -ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM London CLAY SONS Cambridge University Fress Warehouse Ave Maria Lane 10
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