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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-869

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CLARENDON Ρ An Anglo-Saxon Reader In Prose and Verse With Grammatical Introduction Notes and Glossary By Henry Sweet 98 6d An Anglo-Saxon Primer with Grammar Notes and Glos- sary By Sweet 2s Gd Chaucer -The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Edited by Skeat Litt Is The Prologue The Knightes Tale The Nonne Preestes Tale from the Canterbury Tales Edited by Morris LL New Edition with Collations and Ad- ditional Notes by Skeat Litt 28 6d Johnson -Lives of Dryden and Pope Edited by Alfred Milnes 28 6d Minot Lawrence Poems Edited with Introduction and Notes by Hall 4s 6d Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream By Aldis Wright Is 6d Cicero De Amicitia With Introduction and Notes By St George Stock 3s -Pro Cluentio With Intro- duction and Notes By Ramsay Edited by Ramsay 3s 6d Horace -With Commen- tary Vol The Odes Car- men Seculare and Epodes By Wickham Second Edition 6s Livy -Book XXI With Intro- duction and Notes By Μ Tatham 2s 6d Tacitus -The Annals Books I-IV Edited with Intro- duction and Notes By Fur- neaux 5s Terence -Andria With Notes and Introductions By Freeman and Sloman Ss Virgil iEneid Books IV VI By Papillon and Haigh Stiff covers 2s An Elementary Latin Gram- mar By Allen Re- vised and Enlarged Edition 2s 6d iEschylus Prometheus Bound With Introduction and Notes By Prickard 2s Aristophanes -The Wasps Edited with English Notes Intro- ductions &c By Merry 3s 6d HENRY FROWDE London OXFORD Euripides Alcestis Edited with Introduction and Notes By Jerram 2s 6d -Hecuba Edited with Notes &c By Russell 2s 6d Homer Odyssey Books VII -XII By Merry 3s Sophocles -Antigone Edited with Introduction and Notes by Lewis Campbell and Evelyn Abbott 2s Modern German Reader Graduated Collection of Extracts from Modern German Authors Edited by Buchheim Phil Doc Part Prose Extracts With English Notes Grammatical Appendix and complete Vocabu- lary Seventh Edition 2s 6d Part II -Extracts in Prose and Poetry With English Notes and an Index 2s 6d German Poetry for Begin- ners Edited with English Notes and complete Vocabulary By Emma Buchheim 2s Principles of the English Law of Contract and of Agency in its Relation to Contract By Sir Anson Eighth Edition with Notes of American Cases Svo 10s 6d Law and Custom of the Constitution By the same Author In Two Parts Part -Parlia- ment Third Edition Enlarged 8vo 12s 6d Part II -The Crown Second Edition 8vo 14s International Law By Hall 8vo 22s 6d Gesenius' Hebrew Gram- mar As Edited and Enlarged by Kautsch Translated from the Twenty-fifth German Edition by the late Rev Collins The Translation revised and ad- justed to the Twenty-sixth Edition by Cowley 21s History of France By Kitchin In Three Vols each 10s 6d An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism By Emtage 7s 6d Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism By Clerk Maxwell £1 12s An Elementary Treatise on Electricity Edited by William Garnett Svo 7s 6d Edinburgh and New York
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