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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-864

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FROM MR MURRAY'S EDUCATIONAL LIST SIR WILLIAM SMITH'S SMALLER MANUALS 3s 6d each Smaller History of England From the Earliest Times to 1887 Revised by Richard Lodge Professor of Modern History in the Uni- versity of Glasgow formerly Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford With Four Coloured Maps Fourteen Plans and Sixty-eight Woodcuts Crown 8vo Smaller History of Greece From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest Revised by Marindin sometime Assistant-Master ך at Eton College With Two Coloured Maps Twelve Plans and Five 111 us- trations Crown 8vo Smaller History of Rome From the Earliest Times to the Estab- lishnientof the Empire Revised by Greenidge Fellow of Hertford College Oxford With Coloured Map Six Plaus and Sixty-six Illustrations many from Photographs of Italy at the present clay Crown 8vo History of English Literature Giving Sketch of the Lives of our Chief Writers and an Account of their Works By James Rowley Small crown 8vo Short Specimens of English Literature Selected from the Chief Authors and arranged Chronologically from the Earliest Saxon Chronicles to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century With Explanatory Notes By James Rowley Small crown 8vo Smaller Classical Mythology Illustrated with Translations from the Ancient Poets and Questions on the Work By Lockwood With Ninety Woodcuts Small crown 8vo SIR WILLIAM SMITH'S SCHOOL DICTIONARIES Smaller Latin-English Dictionary With Dictionary of Proper Names Thirty-seventh Edition 7s 6d Smaller English-Latin Dictionary 78 6d Companion to the Foregoing Seventeenth Edition Concise Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities Thoroughly Revised and completely Re-written 1898 by Warre Cor- nish Vice-Provost of Eton Profusely Illustrated from the best examples of Objects of Antiquity Medium Svo 21 Smaller Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities abridged from his larger Dictionary With 200 Woodcuts Crown 8vo 7s 6d Classical Dictionary of Mythology Biography and Geo- graphy compiled from his larger Dictionaries With 750 Woodcuts Svo 186 Smaller Classical Dictionary abridged from the above Work With 200 Woodcuts Crown Svo 78 6d THE PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE SERIES Large 8vo cloth extra 6$ Volume NEW VOLUME JUST PUBLISHED Bacteria Especially as they are Related to the Economy of Nature to Industrial Processes and to the Public Health By George Newman Demonstrator of Bacteriology in King's College London With 15 Microphotographs of actual Organisms taken expressly for this Work by Dr Spitta kindly lent by the Scientific Press Limited and over 70 other Illustrations ALREADY PUBLISHED The Study of Man an Introduction to Ethnology By Professor Haddon Sc Α &c Illustrated The Groundwork of Science By St George Mivart Ph &c Earth Sculpture By Professor Geikie LL Illustrated River Development By Professor Russell Illustrated Volcanoes By Professor Bonney Sc Illustrated List of the above Series containing Volumes in preparation can be obtained post free on application י י -- --- JOHN MURRAY ALBEMARLE STREET
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