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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-862

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MURRAY'S HANDY CLASSICAL MAPS Most of the Maps are nearly ready for Publication The Maps in Sir William Smith's Classical Atlas engraved at cost of several thousands of pounds are regarded as among the best of the kind in existence but hitherto they have only been published in costly form and are practically inaccessible to school-boys and many students It has long been our desire to render these maps available for school use but there were many difficulties in the way of carrying out the intention In the first place the Maps required considerable amount of revision by experts to incorporate the result of recent researches and discoveries Secondly some of the best and most useful maps are of so large size as to be inconvenient for School Atlas of the usual dimensions and to reduce them in size and scale would be to destroy some of their most valuable features We believe that we have now overcome these difficulties Mr Ghundy of Brasenose College Oxford whose name is suffi- cient guarantee that the work will be done in the best and most scholarly manner has undertaken the editorship of the series and has already almost completed the revision of the selected maps The form of their issue is entirely novel and will we think commend itself to teachers The Maps will be published separately mounted on cloth with an index of names and folded in cover similar to those used for tourist and cycling maps though somewhat larger The size of the case is by inches and of the map when unfolded 24 by 18 inches the index being bound in the case in convenient position for reference when the map is in use By this means instead of having to purchase at one time and bring into School or Lecture Room an expensive and bulky atlas the student will be enabled to carry only the map required for the lesson in hand As the maps will be sold separately an economy will suggest itself since many boys will not require the whole series The old method of engraving and hatching the mountain ranges has been supplemented by colouring the contours with flat brown and green tints which is now recognised as the best and most intel- ligible way of denoting the configuration of the land List of Maps at present included in the Scheme Northern Greece SPAIN South Peloponnesus BRITAIN ITALY ILLYRICUM &c GAUL EGYPT ASIA MINOR THE ROMAN EMPIRE PALESTINE THE EASTERN EMPIRES Bound separately with Inde 25 each When all the Maps are ready they 10ill be sold together in one cast as well as fl "11J the above-mentioned for nu λ JOHN MURRAY ALBEMARLE STREET
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