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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1899-1900-860

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Page content

ccviii INDEX page Student Demonstrators 459 Surgery 241 Surveying and Civil Engineering See Land Surveying Tanner Prize- Endowment Appendix xxvi Regulations 513 Teachers for Secondary Schools- Training Dept 78 Exhibitions 407 Teachers for Elementary Schools-Fees for Evening Classes 213 Teachers' Free Classes 221 Teaching Theory and Practice 107 Tennant Prizes- Endowment Appendix xxiii Regulations 506 Terminal Prizes-School 390 Theological Faculty 59 Associateship 66 Candidates Class 67 Central Board Entrance Examination 61-63 Course of Study 63 Evening Class 60 67 Examinations Certificates 63 Fees 70 71 Hoods 68 Missionary Guild 526 Names of those who passed 630 Names of Students 631 Professors'Names 32 59 Rules of Admission 61 Rules as to Graduates 60 Rules for Non-Graduates 60 Sambrooke Exhibitions 461 Scholarships Exhibitions and Prizes 68 Students Admissible 60 Subjects of Study 59 Theological Society 526 Time Tables 72 University of Durham 69 Theological Society- Rules 526 Theological Tutor- Classes 67 Throat Diseases 251 Theory and Practice of Teaching 107 Time Tables- Arts Faculty 116-120 Engineering Div 201-205 Medical Faculty 254-256 Natural Science Div 206-209 Science Faculty 196-199 Theological Faculty 72 Evening Classes 216-218 Todd Prize- Endowment Appendix xxv Rules 512 page Tooke Professors ip- Endowment Appendix xxix Toxicology 244 246 Treasurer of the College 25 Trench Prize- Endowment Appendix xxv Rules 494 Univ of London Examinations- Sc 125 76 Inter Arts 75 1111 IB 2o Inter Sc 124 List of Successes 603 76 Matriculation 75 Prel Sc 125 255 Time Tables lis 207 kJ08 University of Durham- Rules of 69 Universitv Distinctions- Cambridge 592 Dublin 595 London 595 Oxford 590 Vaccination 252 Vegetable Biology 149 239 Vocal Music 106 Volunteer Staff Corps- Regulations 530 VVarneford Prizes- Endowment Appendix xxiv Rules 510 Warneford Scholarships- Endowment Appendix xxiv Regulations 476 479 Wheatstone Sir Legacy Appendix xxiii Wheatstone Laboratory 134 163 Library 53 Wood-Carving 169 173 Wordsworth Prize 497 Workshop Engineering 177 Workshops Architectural 16f Workshops Plumbing 290 Worsley Scholarships Endowment Appendix xxiv APPENDIX Acts of Parliament iii Benefactions xxiv Bye Laws xvii Donors xxxiii Endowed Professorships xxix Endowments xxix Examination Papers lvii Form of Bequest xxx Legacies xxiii Report for 1899 xli
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